Today's Daily Devotional for Women - You Are Called with Purpose
Bible Verse of the Day:
Romans 8:28 – “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”
When I was in film school, I wanted to make a feature film while I was still a full time student. I was the only undergraduate student trying to do this out of my entire program, and to this day I can’t even count the amount of professors, coworkers, fellow students and friends told me I was crazy. That there was no way I had what it takes to make a feature length motion picture at such a young age with such a tiny budget.
And for a while I believed them. For a while I let others expectations for me define my expectations for myself.
But one night at church service I felt God’s Spirit move through me, strengthening me, reminding me that it’s not the world who created me, but the God of this world Himself.
And He already equipped me with everything I’d need to succeed.
And after that night, I went on to produce and complete not one but TWO feature films by the time I graduated from college three years later.
All praise to God.
God says that He works for your good in ALL things. That means your personality, your skill set, your talent, your DRIVE and your AMBITION – all of that is a direct result of God’s plan for your good. All of it is so you can fulfill the call He’s put on your life.
Today, make the decision to believe you’re capable of ANYTHING God says you can do. It doesn’t matter what human minds think. It only matters what your Heavenly Father thinks.
And that means you’ve already got what it takes to succeed.
Dear Jesus,
Thank You for choosing me, for creating me with a purpose, for calling me to shine Your light brightly. Today I choose to believe in what You say I am, that I’m capable of achieving Your will and that You work in all things for my good. Thank You for loving me.
In Jesus’ Name I Pray,
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