Do not fear. God is holding your hand.
Bible Verse of the Day
Isaiah 41:13 – For I am the Lord, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you.
Today’s Daily Devotional for Women
“But” is a dream killer. Yet it’s in the vocabulary of every single person we know.
“I want to become a doctor BUT…”
“I want to become a preacher BUT…”
“I want to go to college BUT…”
“I want to get a promotion BUT…:
It’s so easy to make excuses for why we can’t be what we dream of being, for why we don’t pursue the life we want to live instead of skating by on the cards we were dealt.
What’s hard is trusting God’s promise to hold our hand through every challenge we have. What’s hard is stepping into the unknown, the unpredictable, and pursuing the passion within we’ve always known was there.
Being “afraid” means being worried that something undesirable will occur. It’s our concern that things won’t work out the way we planned, and so we let that fear debilitate us and keep us from making our dream a reality.
And everyone feels afraid to step into their dream. It’s a thought, thinking we deserve to live our best life, to have prosperity, to experience true joy, to shine our light brighter than the sun.
We’ve been taught that we’re not allowed to be different from the rest. That we can’t rise from mediocre. That we can’t walk to the beat of our own drum when society’s rhythm drowns out anyone else’s music.
But if you don’t decide to step into your fears and pursue your dreams, you’ll never get to experience the success God has in store for you.
And right now you’re thinking “I’m too afraid to pursue my passion.”
But guess what? Courage isn’t being fearless. Courage is being afraid and doing it anyway. So do it afraid. Joyce Meyers said this in one of her devotionals and it touched my heart forever.
It’s not a sin to feel fear. Everyone feels it. What is a sin is to doubt God’s ability to make what He promised come true.
So when I’m afraid, I must make the choice as a chosen daughter of God to do what God asked me to do anyway.
Even if my knees are quivering, even if my voice is shaking, even if my heart is pounding faster than it ever has before.
I will do it anyway. Because that is unstoppable faith.
Today’s Daily Affirmation Statement
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