Today’s Daily Devotional For Women – Be strong and courageous.

Today’s Daily Devotional For Women – Be strong and courageous.

Today it’s time to step into your fear and focus on God’s strength. Check out today’s devotional on to see how to do it.

Bible Verse of the Day

Deuteronomy 31:6 – Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.

Today’s Daily Devotional for Women

When you step into your fears and pursue your passion, you’ll discover that the fear in your mind was a lot more terrifying than the reality of the challenge.

And it’s because God is with you always, and He will NEVER forsake you. That means that no challenge will be too hard to win, no barrier will be too hard to climb.

If you focus on God’s voice and ignore your own fear and the fear of those around you, you’ll reach heights higher than you ever could before.

daily devotional for women - Godlywood Girl

God gives you strength. God gives you courage. The fear will always be there, and that’s okay. Because it’s your job as a daughter of Christ to step into your passion despite the fear dwelling in your mind.

It’s your job to rise to your legend despite the fear of your loved ones.

You are special, talented, unique beyond measure, and perfectly equipped to achieve your purpose in Christ.

daily devotional for women - Godlywood Girl


Dear Jesus,

Thank You for being with me everywhere I go. Thank You for not leaving me, for not abandoning me. I believe You are here with me. Even when I’m afraid, even when I’m discouraged. Even when I think I can’t take another step. You are with me. And from now on I’m going to focus on Your voice to keep pulling me forward. I love You.

In Jesus’ Name I Pray,


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Ready To Live Your Purpose?

Ready To Activate God's Greatest Purpose For Your Life With My Free 5-Day Challenge? Sign up to receive my FREE 5-Day Activate Your Purpose challenge that empowers you to:

  • Find God's purpose for your life
  • Believe your purpose is possible
  • Take action on your purpose EVERY single day!

Lovely, I believe that as daughters of a Risen King, every woman – no matter what her age, race, creed or culture – has a RIGHT to live her purpose in Christ! Grab your free challenge now at


Previous article Today’s Daily Devotional For Women – You will SOAR in your purpose.