Today's Daily Devotional For Women - Focus On The Good
Bible Verse of the Day
Romans 12:2 - Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.
Today’s Daily Devotional for Women
The “world” has a certain expectation of how we’re supposed to spend our time. We’re supposed to go to work 8 hours of the day, catch up on TV, hang out with friends, lounge in front of the yard, and go swimming whenever we get the chance.
And there’s nothing wrong with doing those things. There’s nothing wrong with doing those things unless those things are getting in the way of the person you’re meant to be.
If the world’s expectations of your time is interfering with who God made you to be, then it’s time to plan a strategy for how you’ll stop that from happening. You must make the choice to spend your time doing what God’s good and perfect will is for your life.
So what you have to give up having drinks with your friends? So what you can’t spend the weekend watching your favorite TV shows?
The time you give up now will be well spent once you’re living the life you always dreamed of living. And I promise you sister of Christ, success is worth every sacrifice you have to make to get it.
Because one day you will reach that moment when you are living your purpose, when you have reached your legend, when you’ve become the Creator God intended you to be.
Stepping into your passion is worth every second of free time you have to give up for it. And the unmistakable sigh of relief that your body will breathe each second you spend in your passion is constant affirmation that you are walking your legend to Christ.
Dear Jesus,
Thank You for seeing me and knowing me and creating me to be a legend in my own right. I pray for the strength to spend my free time on doing the things You created me to do in this world.
In Jesus’ Name I pray,
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