Today's Daily Devotional for Women - You are Made to Fight Through It
Bible Verse of the Day
2 Chronicles 15:7 – But you, take courage! Do not let your hands be weak, for your work shall be rewarded.
Today’s Daily Devotional for Women
Do you feel bone tired, like you’re just too weak to keep fighting? You’re not alone. We all feel it. But what separates the quitters from the winners is one thing.
Seeing yourself the way God sees you. As a powerful woman of faith.
You are one of a kind. Your talent has been given to you and only you. You are unique, extraordinary, perfectly designed by God to achieve the success He has in store for you.
But you can’t choose what happens to you. The challenges, hardships, trials and tribulations that come your way are not by your choice. It is your choice to decide how you react to them. You can choose to let the struggle weaken you. You can choose to let the fear take over you.
Or you can decide to have courage, to be strong, to make that struggle drive you to rise rather then push you to quit. And if you make that choice to keep going, your work will be rewarded.
You will reach success.
You will make it happen.
If only you don’t give up.
Here are 3 ways to not quit:
- Create reasonable goals.
Don’t be realistic with your vision. Don’t hold back there. Dream as big as God grants you to. And when you dream it, break that dream down into measurable, reasonable goals for success.
If you dream of being a millionaire, break it down into reasonable goals. How will you earn the first $100? Then how will you earn your first $1,000? Then your first $10,000? Then your first $100,000? And finally, how will you turn that into your first $1,000,000?
That’s how any big dream gets achieved. By taking it one small chunk at a time.
What’s the first step you must take? And the second. After enough steps, you’ll reach the finish line.
- Take small steps.
To keep yourself from getting overwhelmed, it’s important to break down the tasks from step 1 into smaller parts.
For example, if you choose to earn $100 by selling t-shirts online, then you must first design the t-shirts, then choose a printer, then market the t-shirts at a profitable price and continue to market until you hit your first $100.
And then you scale your efforts to make your first $1000.
In this step, it’s so important to track your progress. Take it slow and take breaks. Stop to celebrate your successes. Give God glory for the accomplishments He gives you. Celebrate your ups more than you dwell on your downs.
- Be flexible and adaptable.
Don’t fear setbacks. Don’t fear failure. Failure doesn’t matter. It’s just a strategy that didn’t work. There are still a thousand more for you to try.
In our earlier t-shirt example, what if you didn’t sell any shirts? No worries – try something else. There are literally a THOUSAND items you can sell online to make your first $100.
Do market research. Find an audience you want to serve. Then create a product that they would love to buy. Then put that product right in front of them so they can buy it.
Maybe it’s a cell phone cover.
Maybe it’s a journal.
Maybe it’s a book you write.
Maybe it’s a pair of jeggings.
And with online technology, you can do all of this with no inventory and no overhead expenses. The point is to try at your dream, and then try again and then try again.
And you keep adapting and being flexible with your strategy as you encounter action steps that don’t work.
Get rid of those steps- and ask the Holy Spirit to lead you into trying something new!
Don’t throw in the towel quickly. Don’t give up on yourself. If there’s a barrier you can’t climb, that’s fine, just build yourself a ladder.
Believe you deserve to live the dream God created you to imagine. Don’t surrender, don’t give up, don’t quit. Your divine success is yours as long as you keep walking towards it.
Today’s Daily Affirmation Statement
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