T SHIRT BUSINESS STARTER KIT (Start A T shirt Business: All The Equipment I Started Out With)
T SHIRT BUSINESS STARTER KIT (Start A T-Shirt Business: All The Equipment I Started Out With)
written by Stephanie Rodnez
➡️ Grab my FREE Launch Your T-Shirt Business Checklist here: https://www.purposegift.com/tshirtchecklist
Ready to learn how to start your Christian t-shirt business online step-by-step? Grab my T-Shirt Business Accelerator that shows you how to do do it here: https://www.purposegift.com/tshirtaccelerator
If you want a t- shirt business starter kit that shows you step-by-step; how to launch your own Christian t- shirt online, just like this one, then stay to the end of this video. At the end of this video, you are going to have my exact t- shirt business starter kit that one of my students took and launched her very own t- shirt business within one month of learning this formula.
Hey hun, its Stephanie Rodnez, Founder and CEO of Godlywoodgirl and Creator of the Godlywoodgirl School of Business. I am super excited to bring you part two of my four part launch your t- shirt business series. Now, if you missed video number one which is all about “Launch your Christian T- Shirt Business Plan PDF”. It shows you a business plan pdf step-by-step. Make sure you check that video out. This video is all about my Launch Your T- Shirt Business Starter Kit and I’m really excited to share this formula with you. It is going to show you step-by-step, how to launch your own t- shirt business online. If you have not subscribed to the Godlywoodgirl YouTube channel, sis, my goal for this channel is for it to be the number one resource for every woman of faith who wants to live her greatest purpose for Christ. So if that is you, make sure you hit that subscribe button, turn on the notification bell, and now grab your pen and paper, get ready because you are about to learn my very own t- shirt business starter kit.
Step 1: The Purpose of your T- Shirt Business
The first thing in your t- shirt business starter kit has to be the purpose of your t- shirt business. There are so many t- shirt businesses online right now. The competition is fierce! You have to stand out from among everybody else. The only way to do that is through the purpose of your t- shirt. At Godlywoodgirl, the purpose of my t- shirts is to empower women of faith to remember that they can live God’s greatest purpose for their lives. So, every time a woman of faith is having a bad day, or the calls are coming out, she can look down at the t shirt and remind herself of who God made her to be. That is the purpose of my t- shirt and that’s what makes it stand out from the millions of other Christian t- shirt businesses out there. So, the first thing in your kit is to know the exact purpose of your t- shirt business.
Step 2: Product Research
The second step is to conduct your product research. You do not want to go and duplicate what is already on the market. You want to find a hole in the market; a niche that you can fill. A little spice that is going to be your own flavor, yours to be able to run. One of the niches that I found which had not been filled was Christian t- shirts for Christian entrepreneurs. I was like: “oh snap, I love you, good one”. This purpose-preneurship t- shirt is one of the bestselling t- shirts that I have here at Godlywoodgirl. So, do your product research and find out what already exists and the hole you can fill in your market. To search for other t- shirt businesses, just type in “Christian t- shirt” on google and you are going to find a lot of different t- shirts online that are on sale. You can also go on Pinterest and type in “Christian t- shirts” to see other products there.
Step 3: Market Research
The third step in your launch your t- shirt business starter kit is market research. Now that you know both the purpose of your t- shirt business and the products which are already out there, the next step is to find out what your audience want from your t- shirt. It is important to know what your tribe wants because your tribe is going to be the one buying your shirts. For example here at Godlywoodgirl, my tribe loves pink, black, white, and grey. If I went like: “there’s no blue shirts” and went producing blue shirts, my tribe is going to be like: “what is going on? You are not fitting what we like from your products”.
You have to ask your market what they want. What are they looking for in t- shirts? Do they want sweatshirts, sweaters, regular scooped necks, V- necks, long sleeves, short sleeves, no sleeves? You can ask your audience the kind of shirt that they want and that way, you design t- shirts to match what your tribe responds to.
Step 4: Brand Board
The fourth step is your brand board. The brand board is like a vision board. It is just a bunch of images, styles, font types, and things like that and colors that reflects what you want your t- shirt line to look like. You need to make sure you put this together based on your market research that your audience gave you. This way you are creating a product line that has a real identity and serves the market that you want to serve. At Godlywoodgirl, my brand board is very pink, it is very girly and pretty because that is the brand that I created and that is the brand that my tribe has gotten used to. Create your brand board based on your market research so you know the essence of your t- shirt business.
Step 5: T- Shirt Design
The fifth item is to design your t-shirt. I do not recommend designing too many shirts because your audience will get overwhelmed when there are too many options. I recommend starting up with four stable shirts, and then adding a shirt every two months. It will look like you are releasing new things to your collection. Trust me, I’ve been there. I have released like 12, 13 shirts before and the girls were so overwhelmed that they bought nothing. When I reduced the number of shirts I released from 12 to 4, my t- shirt sales picked up like crazy.
So, I totally recommend starting up with 4 solid t- shirts. If you don’t want to design them yourself, that is fine, you can hire designers on fiverr.com, upwork.com, 99designs.com, or you can just put up an ad for a graphic designer and have them design it for you. If you do this, make sure you give them your brand board, okay? Make sure they know the purpose of your business. Let them know the product of your research so they will have a great visual representation of what you envision for your t- shirt line.
If you want to design your own t- shirt line, that’s great, that is what I do. You can use amazing resources like canva.com, or Photoshop and you can design your own t- shirt.
Step 6: Shirt Printer Research
The sixth step in your launch your t- shirt business starter kit is your printer research. Who is going to print your shirt? Who is going to manufacture them? Who is going to ship them? Who is going to take care of customer support if somebody wants to return them? I use a print-on-demand service called Printful.com but there are so many different options out there. There is Teespring, Teelaunch, so many different options. There is Printify and the list goes on and on.
Do your research and actually send your print to all four or five printers that you find from your research. Have them all ship you a shirt, and then compare apples to apple to apples. This will allow you to see if you like the quality of the shirt, the way they packaged it, the smell. I noticed that some t- shirt printers have a very powerful ink smell lingering on the shirt so you will have to wash that shirt first. Some t- shirts come out perfect so you can just wear them right away.
So, do your research to find out the t- shirt printer which serves you the way that you want them to and select your printer.
Step 7: Your Launch Plan
Finally, the seventh step in your launch your t- shirt business starter kit is your launch plan. Let me tell you, as entrepreneurs, one of the biggest mistakes that we make is that, when we release products to the world, we don’t tell anybody that we did it. Make sure you have your launch plan ready before you complete your t- shirt line.
You ought to have people waiting to get your shirts, you ought to have moths surrounding your shirt. You ought to have people being like: “Oh my gosh where is that shirt… where can I get it… I can’t wait to wear it”. You can do things like promos on Instagram; wearing your shirt, changing your shirt, doing giveaways with your shirt and things like that. These will let people know that your shirt is coming.
Create your launch plan. If you don’t yet know how to create a launch plan, make sure you watch out for my fourth video in this series. It is going to teach you how to market your t- shirt line on Instagram.
I hope you enjoyed this step-by-step demonstration of my t- shirt business starter kit. Now let me ask you, do you dream of launching your own t- shirt business the way that God purposed you to do it but you are not sure where to start? Sis, I completely understand. When I first wanted to launch my own t- shirt business, I went to local printers in my area and they were so expensive. They were charging hundreds of dollars’ worth of minimums in inventory before I could work with them. I was like: that’s not going to work.
I decided to try printing my own t- shirts but let me tell you, having all of that stuff in your house is awful. I was like: “I can’t do this. There’s is no way”. So I did research online and I found out print-on-demand and I realized there was a way to print shirts one at a time only when people order them. And you are able to have your t- shirt business out and launched to the world. So now, the Godlywoodgirl t- shirt line is here and I’m going to teach you how to do the exact same thing in your business.
I have a brand new masterclass called the Launch Your T- Shirt Business Masterclass where I walk you step-by-step in launching your very own t- shirt business the way that God purposed you to do it. Here are the details right now. You will learn how to:
- Start your online t- shirt business
- Design your shirt
- Manufacture your t- shirts
- Sell your t- shirts online
- Market your t- shirts and so much more.
In addition, you are also going to get
- A digital copy of the replay so you will have it forever.
- A digital “launch your t- shirt business” checklist to keep you on track.
- You are going to get the launch your t- shirt workbook that I just showed you.
As a bonus, you are going to get a purpose-preneurship sweatshirt that I offer here at Godlywoodgirl. It is such a cool sweatshirt, I love wearing one of these bad boys. You can grab your copy of the masterclass by clicking the link in the description box of this video.
So love if you loved this video, hit that like button below and share it with at least one woman of Christ that you know who wants to start her own t- shirt business. And, if you are ready to start living God’s purpose for your life, comment the words: “I am purpose” below so that I can connect with you as we start this journey. Thank you so much for joining me on this video. Be on the lookout for our upcoming video which is going to teach you all about PROFITS in your t- shirt business. If you haven’t subscribed to my Godlywoodgirl YouTube channel yet, what are you waiting for girl?! My goal for the Godlywoodgirl YouTube channel is for it to empower at least five million women of faith with the resources they need to live the greatest purpose of their lives. If that is you, hit that subscribe button and God willing, I will see you on the next video.
Want a t shirt business starter kit that WORKS? If you want to know how to start a tshirt business at home and need an amazing tshirt business starter kit to help you do it, this video will show you my t shirt business starter kit that I use whenever I start a new tshirt business online. You’ll know how to start a tshirt business online, and all the best tips for launching a Christian tshirts business so you can start selling shirts online.
If you’re looking for t shirt business opportunities and just need a t shirt business starter kit to help you start designing and selling t shirts online, this video will show you everything you need to know about creating a t shirt business start up.
Next time you’re ready to start your own t shirt business, this video will give you the step by step t shirt business starter kit to help you get started, and you’ll be set up with the best t shirt business ideas so you can know how to start a tshirt business.
Tip #1: Make sure the t shirt business starter kit Is easy to navigate and understand
Tip #2: Take ACTION on what you learn in the t shirt business starter kit. Don’t just look at it and put it aside. Actually take action on the steps.
Tip #3: Share what you learn with others in the t shirt business starter kit. Research shows that we retain up to 90% of what we teach but only about 25% of what we read, so teach what you learned in the kit to others so you retain the information better.
Tip #4: Make the t shirt business starter kit work for you. Don’t be afraid to grab a pen and paper and modify that bad boy. This is YOUR tool to use to launch your own t shirt business online.
Watch the video and to get a t shirt business starter kit that sets you up to start a t shirt business online.
➡️SCHOOL OF BUSINESS 👉🏾Ready to start your purpose-driven business? Learn how here || https://purposelegend.com/schoolofbusiness
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➡️Get my free "T-Shirt Business Checklist here ⬇️
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➡️ Ready to start your Christian business online? Join the Godlywood Girl School Of Business here ⬇️ https://purposelegend.com/schoolofbusiness
➡️ Ready to start living your purpose every single day? Join the Godlywood Girl School Of Purpose here ⬇️https://www.purposegift.com/school-of-purpose
➡️ Ready to write your book? Grab the Write Your Book Virtual Workshop here ⬇️https://godlywoodgirl.com/products/writerworkshop
➡️ Ready to start your t-shirt business? Grab the Launch Your T-Shirt Business Masterclass here ⬇️https://godlywoodgirl.com/products/launch-your-t-shirt-business-masterclass
➡️ Ready to master your purpose-driven goals? Grab the Goal Mastery Bootcamp here ⬇️https://godlywoodgirl.teachable.com/p/goal-mastery-bootcamp-2-0
1️⃣Get my FREE "Write Your Book Checklist here⬇️ https://www.purposegift.com/authorchecklist
2️⃣Grab My FREE Christian Business Toolkit Here⬇️ https://www.purposegift.com/businesskit
3️⃣Snag Your Copy Of My eBook Here⬇️ https://www.purposegift.com/salesfunnelebook
4️⃣Join the Godlywood Girl School Of Business here⬇️ https://purposelegend.com/schoolofbusiness
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➡️Get my FREE "Find Your Purpose Toolkit here ⬇️ https://www.purposegift.com/authorchecklist
➡️Grab My FREE Christian Business Toolkit Here⬇️ https://www.purposegift.com/businesskit
➡️Get my FREE "Write Your Book Checklist here ⬇️ https://www.purposegift.com/authorchecklist
➡️Get my FREE "T-Shirt Business Checklist here ⬇️ http://bit.ly/christiantshirtbusiness
LISTEN TO THE PODCAST - Listen to the Godlywood Girl Live Your Purpose As A Christian Entrepreneur Podcast here ⬇️
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➡️Join the Godlywood Girl School Of Business here⬇️ https://purposelegend.com/schoolofbusiness
➡️Join the Godlywood Girl School Of Purpose here⬇️ https://purposelegend.com/schoolofbusiness
➡️Grab the Godlywood Girl Author Toolkit here⬇️ http://purposelegend.com/authortoolkit
➡️Grab the Godlywood Girl T-Shirt Business Masterclass here⬇️ http://bit.ly/launchtshirtbusiness
Hey sis! It's your girl Stephanie Rodnez, founder & CEO of Godlywood Girl, and I want to welcome you to the Godlywood Girl sisterhood. If you're a woman who loves the Lord and wants to live His greatest purpose for your life as a Christian entrepreneur, then I created this website especially for you.
I started Godlywood Girl in 2013 as a way to help myself heal from the heartache and trauma of failing at my first business. You see, I was a filmmaker creating movies for Christian youth groups, but a series of bad decisions and mismanagement led to me almost having to declare bankruptcy on my first business.
For two years I sat in depression from the failure of that business, until one day, a video by Dr. ET Thomas inspired me to get back up and step into my purpose again. As a result, I got back to my God-given purpose as a Christian entrepreneur, and Godlywood Girl was born. My goal with Godlywood Girl is to connect you with the resources you need to achieve your greatest purpose for Christ as a Christian entrepreneur.
Whether you're just getting started on your journey, or you're a seasoned purposepreneur in the biz, I want to welcome you to the Godlywood Girl sisterhood. You are my sister, and I can't wait to connect with you online.
Stephanie (Godlywood Girl) Rodnez
- Website: https://www.godlywoodgirl.com
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/godlywoodgirl
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/godlywoodgirl
- Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/godlywoodgirl
- Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/godlywoodgirl