Free Resources
Need a little inspiration? Grab this incredible, 75 page FREE devotional that will inspire your faith, motivate your dreams and propel you closer to Christ!Read now
Free Resource - What's Your Purpose Daily Devotional
This free daily devotional is the ultimate guide to discovering your purpose. Discover the one secret “trigger” that forces you to get unstuck, accomplish your goals and unleash a passion-driven life for Christ...
- ...7 critical steps to discovering God’s purpose for your life
- ...easy exercises to pinpoint your interests, talents and passions
- ...tools to identify bad habits getting in your way of success
- ...easy ways to stop failing and start succeeding using a simple daily devotional
Free Resource - Confident Woman Daily Devotional
Since confidence is earned, literally anyone can build self-confidence. All you have to do is know how.
And that’s what The Confident Woman daily devotional is all about, teaching you how to build your self-confidence so you accomplish your dreams and live the life God intended you to live.
This free daily devotional is the ultimate guide to growing your confidence.
Free Resource - Achieve Your Goals Daily Devotional
This free devotional is all about teaching God’s daughters how to set the right goals, create the right strategies and implement the right action plans to fulfill God’s destiny for their lives.
Goal setting is an incredible, measurable tool for achieving your dreams while living your faith out loud. It’s an easy-to-do daily activity that will help you embrace your grander vision and live your destiny in Christ.