TEELAUNCH (How To Start A Christian T-Shirt Business Using Teelaunch) | HOW TO
TEELAUNCH (How To Start A Christian T-Shirt Business Using Teelaunch) | HOW TO
written by Stephanie Rodnez
➡️ Grab my FREE Launch Your T-Shirt Business Checklist here: https://www.purposegift.com/tshirtchecklist
Ready to learn how to start your Christian t-shirt business online step-by-step? Grab my T-Shirt Business Accelerator that shows you how to do do it here: https://www.purposegift.com/tshirtaccelerator
Teelaunch anybody? If you are ready to learn how to use Teelaunch to launch your Christian t-shirt business online, then stay tuned to the end of this video because in this video, I’m going to teach you my step-by-step formula for how I use Teelaunch to launch my Christian t-shirt business.
Hey it’s your girl Stephanie Rodnez, Founder and CEO of Godlywoodgirl and Creator of the Godlywoodgirl School of Business. In this video, I am super excited to show you how to use Teelaunch to start your own Christian t-shirt business online. If you are not already subscribed to the Godlywoodgirl YouTube channel make sure you hit that subscribe button! My goal for the Godlywoodgirl YouTube channel is for it to be the number one resource for every woman of faith who wants to live her greatest purpose for Christ. If that is you, make sure you hit the subscribe button and let’s get started on how to use Teelaunch to launch Christian t-shirt business.
Step 1: Identify The Purpose of Your T-Shirt Business.
The first step is to determine the purpose of your Christian t-shirt business. Because print-on-demand t-shirt businesses are easy to start, they require no inventory. They require $0 to start and it is pretty amazing. Because of this, there is a lot of competition out there. You ought to make sure you have a clear idea of the purpose of your t-shirt business.
What did God purpose yo to do as an entrepreneur? Who do your t-shirt business serve? Here at Godlywoodgirl, I created my t-shirts as a way to encourage women of faith to step into their God-given purpose. I was a kid when I started telling people that God wanted me to make Christian films. People told me I was too black, too female and too Christian to ever succeed.
This need to encourage other women who look like me and let them know that their dreams can come true was born. I know what it feels like to have a dream without any support from anybody else. That is why I created my Christian t-shirt business. It is a way to remind you that you are God’s royal possession. That is its purpose. I want to remind you that it is possible to achieve your God-given purpose.
Ask yourself the purpose of your t-shirt business. What need are you going to solve? What problem are you here to solve on the market?
Step 2: Register for Your Teelaunch Account.
Once you know the purpose of your t- shirt business, the second step is to start launching it sis. Go ahead and register for your Teelaunch account. Teelaunch is an app that works with Shopify. You need to have Shopify to be able to use the Teelaunch app.
Shopify is $29 per month and it comes with a 14- day free trial. If you time your t-shirt launch correctly and you do marketing, you could have your t- shirt business paying for itself right after launching. This is really great.
So you have to sign up for the Shopify account and once you do, you get to install the Teelaunch app. The only thing that I don’t love about installing the Teelaunch app is that they require a credit card when you’re signing up. I don’t love that because I feel like for print-on-demand, I want to choose when you charge my card
I would hate to give another company license to be able to charge my card whenever they want to. That is the only hesitation I have about using Teelaunch. That is why I prefer Printful because I get to choose when I go in to swipe my card. But, you have to put in your credit card details when you are installing the Teelaunch app.
Step 3: Market Research
After installing the Teelaunch app, I want you to do market research. Take a look at the type of t- shirts that Teelaunch provides. Look at the kind of inventory that they have and ask your audience the kind of shirts that they want from what Teelaunch has in stock.
A lot of times, as new entrepreneurs, we guess what our audience want. This is not a good idea sis. Your audience want something specific so you ought to ask them their opinion. This will keep you from pushing your opinion on them. I know a lot of us say that: “Oh my gosh Stephanie, I don’t have an audience yet”. Sis, if you don’t have an audience, it is one of the most important things to do before you launch a business.
A lot of people think that: “oh I want to create the product and then find the audience for it”. That format is really difficult, time consuming and very expensive. It is better to build your audience first, and then create a product that the audience ask you for. This is exactly what I show you at the Godlywoodgirl School of Business. If you are not in the school of business, make sure you click the link below to check out the Godlywoodgirl School of Business. There, I teach you how to create your own audience online. The audience the Lord purposed you to serve using the power of sales funnels.
Step 4: Design Your T- Shirts.
Once you complete the steps above, you can now go ahead and design the shirts. Use the design formula that Teelaunch gives you to create your t- shirt collection. This is one of the fun parts about designing a Christian t- shirt business because your collection actually comes alive, it is so exciting.
Step 5: Order a Sample Proof of Your T- Shirt.
The fifth step is to order a sample of your shirt. I need you to order a sample proof and make sure you like the quality of the shirt. It is very important because you are putting your name on this business. You ought to make sure you love the way Teelaunch manufactures, prints, ships, everything! You ought to make sure you like the way they do everything.
I remember using one print-on-demand business and I opened up the shirt and it smelled like glue. I was like: “nah bro, we can’t be having this”. So I found a new printer and now I use Printful. You can take a look, order the shirt and see whether you like the quality. If you like it, then we go on to the next step which is to…
Step 6: Launch Your Christian T- Shirt Business.
A lot of us think the Lord is going to do the marketing for us once we create an online business. While the Lord is going to bless the work that you put in, you have to give him something to bless sis. That is where marketing comes in.
Marketing is all about putting the right message in front of the right person at the right time that they are looking for it. People are searching for Christian t- shirts businesses to solve a specific problem, i.e., the purpose of your t- shirt business, you need your t- shirt business to be what they turn to. As such, you ought to do consistent marketing.
Get on social media, do your videos, do your IGs, do your livestreams, do your Facebook feeds. Do what you have to do to ensure that the message of your t- shirt business gets out there. If you don’t know how to do social media marketing, make sure you get to the Godlywoodgirl School of Business where I teach you how to use social media marketing step-by-step using something I like to call The Lush Social Media Formula. Go ahead and click the link in the description box to check out the School of Business.
Alright sis, I hope you enjoyed this video on how to use Teelaunch to start your Christian t- shirt business online. If you missed the rest of the Christian t- shirt business series here at the Godlywoodgirl YouTube, make sure you check out the entire playlist. I have covered Teespring, Printful, Teelaunch, and Placeit. Let me know the series that you want to see next. I want to make sure I create videos that answer your questions about starting a Christian t- shirt business online.
If you want a free checklist to launch a Christian t- shirt business, make sure you click the link in the description box below to get a free copy of my Launch Your T- Shirt Business Checklist. It will help keep you on track as you bring this business to life.
And sis, if you are not already subscribed to the Godlywoodgirl YouTube channel, hit that subscribe button! My goal for the Godlywoodgirl YouTube channel is for it to be the number one resource for every woman of faith who wants to live her greatest purpose for Christ. If that is you, hit the subscribe button and God willing, I will see you here at Godlywoodgirl.
A complete VIDEO guide on TEELAUNCH (How To Start A Christian T-Shirt Business Using Teelaunch) | CHRISTIAN T-SHIRT BUSINESS.
If you want to learn how to start a Christian t-shirt business using Teelaunch, this video will teach you everything you need to know.
Learning how to start a Christian t-shirt business using Teelaunch can be overwhelming, but in order to get where you want to go in life, there are only a few tips you need to know. What are the tips on using Teelaunch to start your own Christian t-shirt business?
I'll go into detail about how to start a Christian t-shirt business using Teelaunch and the keys to taking the actions necessary so you can understand how to use Teelaunch to start your Christian t-shirt business.
➡️ Ready to start your t-shirt business? Grab the Launch Your T-Shirt Business Masterclass here ⬇️https://godlywoodgirl.com/products/launch-your-t-shirt-business-masterclass
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➡️Get my free "T-Shirt Business Checklist here ⬇️
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➡️ Ready to start your Christian business online? Join the Godlywood Girl School Of Business here ⬇️ https://purposelegend.com/schoolofbusiness
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➡️ Ready to write your book? Grab the Write Your Book Virtual Workshop here ⬇️https://godlywoodgirl.com/products/writerworkshop
➡️ Ready to start your t-shirt business? Grab the Launch Your T-Shirt Business Masterclass here ⬇️https://godlywoodgirl.com/products/launch-your-t-shirt-business-masterclass
➡️ Ready to master your purpose-driven goals? Grab the Goal Mastery Bootcamp here ⬇️https://godlywoodgirl.teachable.com/p/goal-mastery-bootcamp-2-0
1️⃣Get my FREE "Write Your Book Checklist here⬇️ https://www.purposegift.com/authorchecklist
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3️⃣Snag Your Copy Of My eBook Here⬇️ https://www.purposegift.com/salesfunnelebook
4️⃣Join the Godlywood Girl School Of Business here⬇️ https://purposelegend.com/schoolofbusiness
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➡️Get my FREE "Find Your Purpose Toolkit here ⬇️ https://www.purposegift.com/authorchecklist
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➡️Get my FREE "Write Your Book Checklist here ⬇️ https://www.purposegift.com/authorchecklist
➡️Get my FREE "T-Shirt Business Checklist here ⬇️ http://bit.ly/christiantshirtbusiness
LISTEN TO THE PODCAST - Listen to the Godlywood Girl Live Your Purpose As A Christian Entrepreneur Podcast here ⬇️
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➡️Join the Godlywood Girl School Of Business here⬇️ https://purposelegend.com/schoolofbusiness
➡️Join the Godlywood Girl School Of Purpose here⬇️ https://purposelegend.com/schoolofbusiness
➡️Grab the Godlywood Girl Author Toolkit here⬇️ http://purposelegend.com/authortoolkit
➡️Grab the Godlywood Girl T-Shirt Business Masterclass here⬇️ http://bit.ly/launchtshirtbusiness
Hey sis! It's your girl Stephanie Rodnez, founder & CEO of Godlywood Girl, and I want to welcome you to the Godlywood Girl sisterhood. If you're a woman who loves the Lord and wants to live His greatest purpose for your life as a Christian entrepreneur, then I created this website especially for you.
I started Godlywood Girl in 2013 as a way to help myself heal from the heartache and trauma of failing at my first business. You see, I was a filmmaker creating movies for Christian youth groups, but a series of bad decisions and mismanagement led to me almost having to declare bankruptcy on my first business.
For two years I sat in depression from the failure of that business, until one day, a video by Dr. ET Thomas inspired me to get back up and step into my purpose again. As a result, I got back to my God-given purpose as a Christian entrepreneur, and Godlywood Girl was born. My goal with Godlywood Girl is to connect you with the resources you need to achieve your greatest purpose for Christ as a Christian entrepreneur.
Whether you're just getting started on your journey, or you're a seasoned purposepreneur in the biz, I want to welcome you to the Godlywood Girl sisterhood. You are my sister, and I can't wait to connect with you online.
Stephanie (Godlywood Girl) Rodnez
- Website: https://www.godlywoodgirl.com
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