TSHIRT BUSINESS PROFIT | How To Make A PROFIT In A TShirt Business Online (Christian Entrepreneur)
TSHIRT BUSINESS PROFIT | How To Make A PROFIT In A TShirt Business Online (Christian Entrepreneur)
written by Stephanie Rodnez
TSHIRT BUSINESS PROFIT | How To Make A PROFIT In A TShirt Business Online (Christian Entrepreneur) ➡️ Grab my FREE Launch Your T-Shirt Business Checklist here: https://www.purposegift.com/tshirtchecklist
Ready to learn how to start your Christian t-shirt business online step-by-step? Grab my T-Shirt Business Accelerator that shows you how to do do it here: https://www.purposegift.com/tshirtaccelerator
Want to learn about t- shirt business profit? If you are starting a t- shirt business and you want to learn about t- shirt business profit margin so you can make sure that you're creating a sustainable business, grab your pen and paper. I'm going to show you exactly how to price your shirts so you have enough profit margin to create a sustainable business.
Hey, it's your girl Stephanie Rodnez; Founder and CEO of Godlywoodgirl, Creator of the T- Shirt Business Accelerator. And my purpose in life is to connect with the resources you need to achieve your purpose in life. So in line with that mission, today's video is sponsored by the Godlywoodgirl T- Shirt Business Accelerator. It is my five- day online coaching program where I personally help you launch your own print on demand t- shirt business online. Click the link in the description box below to apply to the upcoming accelerator. And if you're ready to learn about t- shirt business profit margins such you can price your shirts correctly. Grab your pen and paper let's dive in.
Base Cost
The very first step to making t- shirt business profits is to understand the base cost of selling your shirts. Base cost includes the cost of goods sold so the cost of printing, shipping, manufacturing the shirt and advertising cost that it cost you in order to make that sale, and any overhead costs. All the costs involved with you creating that shirt for your customer is included in the base cost of your shirt. The only way to be able to make profit in your margin is to make sure that you are selling your shirt at a high enough price point that you are keeping margin in your business. So you're not going to know what that price point is unless you know the base cost of your shirt. Take a look at what the print on demand company is charging you for the shirt, take a look at how much you're spending in Facebook ads and your average cost per ad spent for each sale that you make, take a look at the cost for email marketing your overhead, anything like that, and calculate the base costs of selling each shirt.
Profit Margin
The second step is to figure out the profit margin you want to have. Profit margin is the percentage of money you keep every time you make a sale. So for example, if you make a sale of $10, but you only keep $1 your profit margin is 10%. You don't want to do that. Having a print-on-demand business model should allow you to have at least a 50% profit margin or more. The only way for us to be able to scale our businesses online and be able to invest in marketing, advertising, and growing a team is to have enough margin in our business so that we have money leftover whenever we make a sale. So you want to figure out your desired profit margin in your business, I highly recommend it to be at least 50%, which means when you make a sale for $10, you keep five of those dollars in your pocket. You keep half of the money that you make, at least. In my own business, I like to have a 65% profit margin, which means if I make a sale for $10, I want to keep $6 and 50 cents of that money. That way I'm able to invest in growing my company. I'm not in here for five, six months for Godlywoodgirl. I'm in this for the long term, and I need money to be able to invest in the business and scale it. So that's why I like to do things at 65% profit margin, but that's a personal decision. Figure out how much profit margin you want to make in your business, just make sure it's at least 50%.
Calculate your Selling Price
Now that you know both your base cost of selling your shirts and your desired profit margin, you can now calculate the price that you are going to sell your shirts at. This is your price point for your shirts. Now, to determine profit margin, there is a very simple formula to use. It is revenue minus expenses divided by revenue. This gives you your profit margin. So for example, if I'm selling a shirt for $25, my expenses are $10, then that means $30 minus $10 is $20 divided by $10. That is how you figure out your profit margin in your business. So go ahead and use a calculator online to help you do this. There's the AMI calculator that you can use. I'll put the link to that in the description box below. And you're going to figure out how to get the correct profit margin for your business. Play with the pricing, go ahead and put in your desired profit margin. Put in your Base cost and just keep playing with the revenue until you get your desired profit margin.
So if you are starting to teach your business online make sure that you do these steps so you know what to charge for your shirts. When I started my first business in 2008 I was making .25% profit margin. That's why I had to keep working my 9-5 job. I didn't even understand that my profit margin was so low is actually my hairdresser who told me she's like: “sis if you're only making 25 cents for every $10 that you put in your pocket, you are working for the company still. You're working for Amazon or whoever you're selling your products on”. And that was when I really started to understand the importance of profit margin and pricing my products correctly so I'm able to scale my business. Make sure that you do these steps, calculate the correct revenue you should be generating for each shirt. And if you need help, you want a checklist to help you stay on track while you launch your t- shirt business makes you grab my free T- Shirt Business Checklist by clicking the link in the description box below.
If you want me to help you as you launch your t- shirt business online using a print–on-demand business model, and on day three, I show you profit margins and show you how to calculate it. Make sure you apply for my upcoming T- Shirt Business Accelerator. It's my five- day online coaching program, where I help you launch your own t- shirt business within five days or less. And finally, if you're not already subscribed to the Godlywoodgirl YouTube channel, make sure you hit that subscribe button. My goal for this channel is for to be the number one resource for every woman of faith who wants to live her greatest purpose for Christ as a Christian entrepreneur. So if that's you hit that subscribe button and God willing, I'll see you at Godlywoodgirl.
➡️FREE CHECKLIST 👉🏾 “Start A Christian T-Shirt Business Checklist” || http://bit.ly/christiantshirtbusiness
➡️FREE EBOOK 👉🏾 “Christian Business Toolkit” || https://www.purposegift.com/businesskit
➡️Ready to learn how to start a purpose-Driven business online? 👉🏾👉🏾 Join the Godlywood Girl School Of Business || https://purposelegend.com/schoolofbusiness
➡️Get my Launch Your T-Shirt Business Masterclass here 👉🏾👉🏾http://bit.ly/launchtshirtbusiness
Want to learn about tshirt business profit? If you want to know how to start a tshirt business at home and need an amazing tshirt business profit formula to help you do it, this video will show you my tshirt business profit formula that I use whenever I start a new tshirt business online. You’ll know how to start a tshirt business online, and all the best tips for launching a Christian tshirts business so you can start selling shirts online.
If you’re looking for t shirt business opportunities and just need a tshirt business profit formula to help you start designing and selling t shirts online, this video will show you everything you need to know about creating a t shirt business start up.
Next time you’re ready to start your own t shirt business, this video will give you the step by step tshirt business profit formula to help you get started, and you’ll be set up with the best t shirt business ideas so you can know how to start a tshirt business.
Tip #1: Make sure the tshirt business profit formula is easy to navigate and understand
Tip #2: Take ACTION on what you learn in the tshirt business profit formula. Don’t just look at it and put it aside. Actually take action on the steps.
Tip #3: Share what you learn with others in the tshirt business profit formula. Research shows that we retain up to 90% of what we teach but only about 25% of what we read, so teach what you learned in the formula to others so you retain the information better.
Tip #4: Make the tshirt business profit formula work for you. Don’t be afraid to grab a pen and paper and modify that bad boy. This is YOUR tool to use to launch your own t shirt business online.
Watch the video and to get a tshirt business profit formula that sets you up to start a t shirt business online.
➡️ Ready to start your t-shirt business? Grab the Launch Your T-Shirt Business Masterclass here ⬇️https://godlywoodgirl.com/products/launch-your-t-shirt-business-masterclass
➡️SCHOOL OF BUSINESS 👉🏾Ready to start your purpose-driven business? Learn how here || https://purposelegend.com/schoolofbusiness
➡️Get my free "Find Your Purpose" Toolkit here ⬇️
➡️Get my free "Write Your Book Checklist here ⬇️
➡️Get my "Godlywood Girl Author Toolkit" here ⬇️
➡️Get my free "T-Shirt Business Checklist here ⬇️
Want the EXACT “Author Toolkit” I taught to my audience that helped my students learn how to 10x the amount of time it takes to self-publish their books? Grab it now here:
➡️ Ready to start your Christian business online? Join the Godlywood Girl School Of Business here ⬇️ https://purposelegend.com/schoolofbusiness
➡️ Ready to start living your purpose every single day? Join the Godlywood Girl School Of Purpose here ⬇️https://www.purposegift.com/school-of-purpose
➡️ Ready to write your book? Grab the Write Your Book Virtual Workshop here ⬇️https://godlywoodgirl.com/products/writerworkshop
➡️ Ready to start your t-shirt business? Grab the Launch Your T-Shirt Business Masterclass here ⬇️https://godlywoodgirl.com/products/launch-your-t-shirt-business-masterclass
➡️ Ready to master your purpose-driven goals? Grab the Goal Mastery Bootcamp here ⬇️https://godlywoodgirl.teachable.com/p/goal-mastery-bootcamp-2-0
1️⃣Get my FREE "Write Your Book Checklist here⬇️ https://www.purposegift.com/authorchecklist
2️⃣Grab My FREE Christian Business Toolkit Here⬇️ https://www.purposegift.com/businesskit
3️⃣Snag Your Copy Of My eBook Here⬇️ https://www.purposegift.com/salesfunnelebook
4️⃣Join the Godlywood Girl School Of Business here⬇️ https://purposelegend.com/schoolofbusiness
➡️Join my FREE Live Your Purpose Movement Facebook Group here ⬇️
➡️Get my FREE "Find Your Purpose Toolkit here ⬇️ https://www.purposegift.com/authorchecklist
➡️Grab My FREE Christian Business Toolkit Here⬇️ https://www.purposegift.com/businesskit
➡️Get my FREE "Write Your Book Checklist here ⬇️ https://www.purposegift.com/authorchecklist
➡️Get my FREE "T-Shirt Business Checklist here ⬇️ http://bit.ly/christiantshirtbusiness
LISTEN TO THE PODCAST - Listen to the Godlywood Girl Live Your Purpose As A Christian Entrepreneur Podcast here ⬇️
Apple Itunes ➡️https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/godlywood-girl-live-your-purpose-as-christian-entrepreneur/id1484688049?uo=4
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Anchor ➡️https://anchor.fm/stephanie-rodnez
➡️Join the Godlywood Girl School Of Business here⬇️ https://purposelegend.com/schoolofbusiness
➡️Join the Godlywood Girl School Of Purpose here⬇️ https://purposelegend.com/schoolofbusiness
➡️Grab the Godlywood Girl Author Toolkit here⬇️ http://purposelegend.com/authortoolkit
➡️Grab the Godlywood Girl T-Shirt Business Masterclass here⬇️ http://bit.ly/launchtshirtbusiness
Hey sis! It's your girl Stephanie Rodnez, founder & CEO of Godlywood Girl, and I want to welcome you to the Godlywood Girl sisterhood. If you're a woman who loves the Lord and wants to live His greatest purpose for your life as a Christian entrepreneur, then I created this website especially for you.
I started Godlywood Girl in 2013 as a way to help myself heal from the heartache and trauma of failing at my first business. You see, I was a filmmaker creating movies for Christian youth groups, but a series of bad decisions and mismanagement led to me almost having to declare bankruptcy on my first business.
For two years I sat in depression from the failure of that business, until one day, a video by Dr. ET Thomas inspired me to get back up and step into my purpose again. As a result, I got back to my God-given purpose as a Christian entrepreneur, and Godlywood Girl was born. My goal with Godlywood Girl is to connect you with the resources you need to achieve your greatest purpose for Christ as a Christian entrepreneur.
Whether you're just getting started on your journey, or you're a seasoned purposepreneur in the biz, I want to welcome you to the Godlywood Girl sisterhood. You are my sister, and I can't wait to connect with you online.
Stephanie (Godlywood Girl) Rodnez
- Website: https://www.godlywoodgirl.com
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