Daily Devotionals for Women Blog
It’s up to you to decide whether you’re going to give yourself permission to go after the legend God intended for you, or whether you’re going to follow the standards that your parents, your friends, your boss, other people in your life tell you to live by.Read now
Today's Daily Devotional for Women - You Are a New Creation
Past failures do not define who you are. God does. And He declares you are a new creation. God doesn’t look at who you were without Him. He looks at who you are within His grace. Don’t let the past hold you back or cause you guilt.
Today's Daily Devotional for Women - Fight for Your God-Given Destiny
Today it’s your time to fight for your destiny, to fight for your success, to make God’s vision or your life your absolute reality.Read now -
Today's Daily Devotional for Women - You're Made for Joy
Read nowBible Verse of the Day Psalm 16:11 – You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forever more. Today’s Daily Devotional for Women I was...
Today's Daily Devotional for Women - Take Action
Today's Daily Devotional for Women - Take Action. James 2:14 - What good is it, my brothers, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can that faith save him? If you really believe in God’s vision for your life, you have to prove it through taking action.
Today's Daily Devotional for Women - You are Made to Endure
While you pursue your dreams, you’re going to encounter a lot of disappointment. It’s inevitable. But understand you are filled with the power of God’s spirit, and with that comes the ability to rejoice in your sufferings.Read now -
Today's Daily Devotional for Women - Press on to Your Prize
Today's Daily Devotional for Women - Press On To Your Prize. It’s absolutely possible for you to live your dream. You just have to work through the urge to quit. Failure is something all of us experience. Hardship is an unavoidable part of the struggle. But God promises in Galatians 6:9 that if you endure through the struggle, if you choose to keep taking one more step, if you fight through it and keep pushing and refuse to give up, your season will come.Read now -
Today's Daily Devotional for Women - Achieve the Impossible
Read nowBible Verse of the Day Matthew 19:26 – But Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” Today’s Daily Devotional for Women We've all been there. Feeling on top of...
Today's Daily Devotional for Women - You are Made to Fight Through It
You can decide to have courage, to be strong, to make that struggle drive you to rise rather then push you to quit. Here are three ways to not quit on your dream.